‘A pearl at the sea’, ‘Southern Palmira’, ‘Mother Odessa’, no matter how you call it it’s one of the most vibrant cities of Ukraine. Odessa is the third biggest city of the country after Kiev and Kharkov, the main cultural, scientific, and resort center of Northern Black Sea region.

Odessa owes for it foundation in 1794 to Catherine II: the Russian emperor decided that for making connections with Europe wider the country needed a port near the Black Sea. Sometime here was an ancient Greek settlement, then in this place lived Crimean Tatars and the Osmanli Turks that built the Khadjibey tower. The latter was captured by Russian troops in 1789 that became an official date of the city foundation.

Odessa can be considered a sound European city. An ancient history and architecture that was wonderfully preserved is a work of worldwide masters and they make the city much more attractive in its appearance and like some European places. And a soul… you will see such one nowhere. Here so many cultures, religions, scandals and funny stories mixed. All this is presented in local citizens, in their manner of speech, in kindness and sincerity of citizens.

Odessa is a surprising city washed by the sea and warmed by the sun, with chestnuts growing on the French boulevard, with the famous Potemkin stairway and the symbol of the city – Deribassovskaya street. The city where live people doomed since their birth for jokes, laughter and humor. And, surely, a special Odessa language that is the most vibrant ‘visit card’ of the city.

In general, this language, and, the main thing, the most effervescent humor of Odessa citizens should be separately mentioned: fascinating and killingly funny stories, keen phrases, anecdotes practically flying in the wind, friendly and curious local citizens ready at your first request to organize an unforgettable and exciting excursion for you to any point of Odessa despite their own business. Several generations of famous humorists who were born and grew up in Odessa during the latest 100 years won for the city a special reputation of the capital of Russian-speaking humor and satire.